Don’t Strech Your Limits!

I saw some of his ( KK ) last day videos … in which he was complaining about AC as he was Sweating profusely during show …was drinking water repeatedly due to thirst …he was not feeling well …still he stretched his limits and was performing… He didn’t sensed the emergency…he missed the signs of heart attack …at last when it was beyond limit he left the show …But he was walking …… many cameraman were chasing him and he was running helplessly… he went to hotel and not hospital…. collapsed in hotel and brought dead to hospital! …

What we all can learn through this death story of KK ?

1) Don’t strech your limits… STOP before it is too late

2) Understand the ⚠️ warning signs which body is giving it to you..

3) Lifestyle modification is the key of healthy long life ..

4) When you are suspecting slightest possibility of heart attack ( signs of heart attack- Not feeling well sensation, profuse Sweating, uneasiness, chest discomfort, dyspnoea – दम लागणे , Chest pain , left shoulder pain , upper left sided back pain, Jaw pain , heartburn etc ) remember chest pain may not be present everytime particularly in diabetics… they get heart attack without chest pain …

When you get any of these symptoms.. don’t ignore …immediately rush to your doctor to clear the doubt of heart attack ! … it may be or it may not be .. but TIME is very important! …

KK got these signals given by his body … but he ignored !

5) When you are suspecting heart attack… NEVER WALK… it will agrevate your illness! … This mistake KK did …

6) When you are suspecting Heart attack… Take 1 Disprin 325 mg tablet dissolve it in cup of water and drink that water immediately as a first aid measure…Disprin dissolves the clot which is occluding the coronary artery and causing heart attack … Confirm you are not allergic to Disprin before taking tablet . You can take antacid along with Disprin tablet …


Dr Padmanabh Keskar
Emergency Management Expert , Pune

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